1. On farm Testing
For any major problem in agriculture there are many remedies suggested by various research organizations. Through on farm testing Krishi Vigyan Kendra does comparitive studies in farmers fields to come to conclusion which of the technologies tested is more suitable to the resources available & is cost effective. This is a form of participatory study where farmers perspective is given most importance. The results of such studies can later be made available to farmers.

2. Demonstrations
Every year Krishi Vigyan Kendra conducts several demonstrations on farmers fields on technologies released by research institutes, universities. These are mainly related to latest released varieties, methods to control pest & diseases, technologies to increase yields, agri implements to reduce drudgery of women, technologies to reduce cost of production etc.

3. Training
On an average this KVK conducts 50 to 60 need- based training programs in a year for farmers, farmwomen & rural youth. 40-50% of them are long duration trainings. The KVK has purchased more than 50 educational audio visual aids to make the training activities more effective. More emphasis has been given on long duration self employment oriented training for school dropouts & unemployed rural youth Many participants on completion of the training have been Successfully self employed by way of establishing their own Poultry, Goatery, Nursery Dairy & Sericulture Unit. Efforts have also been concentrated to empower the women component technically as they play a very vital role in agricultural operations.

4. Other extension activities

Kisan Mela on themes of contemporary importance

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